• The K7RA Solar Update

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Monday, October 14, 2024 22:48:01

    Seven sunspot groups emerged this week. The first was on September
    19, three on September 20, one each on September 22 and 23, and the
    last on September 25.

    Average daily sunspot numbers increased from 120 to 137.2, and
    average daily solar flux shifted from 175.7 to 164.3.

    Geomagnetic numbers were much quieter. Average daily planetary A
    index changed from 35.7 to 14.3, and middle latitude A index from
    23.4 to 10.7.

    Predicted solar flux is 180 September 27 to October 1, 190 on
    October 2-6, 185 on October 7-9, 180 on October 10, 175 on October
    11-16, 170 on October 17-18, 165 on October 19, 160 on October
    20-23, 165 on October 24-26, then 170 and 175 on October 27-28, 180
    on October 29-30, and 190 on October 31 through November 2.

    Predicted planetary A index is 5 on September 27-28, 8 on September
    29-30, 5 on October 1-4, 10 on October 5-6, 5 on October 7-9, then
    10, 20 and 19 on October 10-12, and 5 on October 13-21, 8 on October
    22-23, 5 on October 24-31, and 8 on November 1-2.

    "Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - September 26, 2024 from OK1HH:

    "Solar flare activity is generally lower than it was in the first
    half of September, when M-class solar flares were common and X-class
    flares also occurred. The last significant M-class flare, including
    a CME, was observed on September 22. However, the Earth's magnetic
    field activity increased on September 25-26, incidentally in good
    agreement with the forecast.

    "Propagation conditions, especially in the shorter half of the
    shortwave range, have understandably improved, but not as much as we
    might have expected in the run-up to the equinox. This was
    influenced by a decrease in solar activity (compared to August
    levels) - and of course an increase in geomagnetic activity.

    "Unlike in times relatively recently past, any of us can monitor not
    only total solar activity, but also changes in solar wind
    parameters. Both its speed and the concentration of free electrons
    and protons ejected by flares. Changes in the ionosphere follow
    quickly, but not always in the same way. It is also always the
    result of previous developments."

    Latest report from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[2]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[3] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[4] . For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[5] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[6] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[7] .

    Also, check this article:

    https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt[8] "Understanding Solar Indices" from September
    2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[9] .

    Sunspot numbers for September 19 through 25 2024 were 109, 113, 117,
    114, 224, 123, and 160, with a mean of 137.1. 10.7 cm flux was
    161.2, 153.8, 158, 162.8, 167.4, 172.4, and 174.2, with a mean of
    164.3. Estimated planetary A indices were 20, 7, 6, 5, 13, 17, and
    32, with a mean of 14.3. Middle latitude A Index was 15, 6, 6, 3, 9,
    12, and 24, with a mean of 10.7.

    [1] https://youtu.be/B9jWbAVEpZw
    [2] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [3] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [4] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [5] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [6] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [7] http://k9la.us/
    [8] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [9] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Monday, October 14, 2024 22:48:12


    Two coronal mass ejections first observed on 01-Oct and 03-Oct are
    expected to impact Earth over 04-05 Oct. Lack of analyzable corona
    graph imagery makes arrival time predictions uncertain.


    04 Oct:ÿ G3, chance of G4
    05 Oct:ÿ G3, chance of G4
    06 Oct:ÿ G1-G2

    New sunspot groups emerged on every day over the past week. Two new
    regions appeared on September 26, another on September 27, two more
    on September 28, another on September 29, another on September 30,
    three more on October 1 and another on October 2, for a total of

    Average daily sunspot number rose from 137.1 to 164.7, and average
    daily solar flux from 164.3 to 213.1. Average daily planetary A
    index shifted from 14.3 to 9.6.

    Predicted solar flux is 310 on October 4-6, 300 on October 7, 290 on
    October 8-10, 175 on October 11-16, 170 on October 17-21, then 175,
    180, 185, 190 and 195 on October 22-26, then 200 on October 27-29,
    205 on October 30 through November 4, then 200 and 185 on November
    5-6 and 175 on November 7-12.

    Predicted planetary A index is 54, 94, 72, 22 and 15 on October 4-8,
    5 on October 9-10, then 20 and 19 on October 11-12, then 5 on
    October 13-21, then 28 and 10 on October 22-23, 5 on October 24-26,
    and 10 on October 27, then 5 on October 28-31, 10 on November 1-2, 5
    on November 3-5, then 10, 20, and 19 on November 6-8, and 5 on
    November 9 and the foreseeable future.

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - October 3, 2024 from OK1HH:

    "After AR3811 disappeared from our field of view behind the
    southwestern limb of the solar disk on September 12, it was
    continuously tracked by helioseismological methods until September
    29, when it reappeared in the southeast, numbered AR3842. Its size
    and activity on the far side of the Sun suggested that we could look
    forward to a lot of activity in October.

    "And so, it did. When solar flare X7.1/2b was observed on October 1
    with a maximum at 2220 UT, the second largest in the current 11-year
    cycle, I planned to start with this announcement. But when flare
    X9.05, newly the largest in X-ray intensity in the same AR3842, was
    observed on October 3 at 1218 UT, that was no longer the case.

    "The source region of AR3842 was heading straight towards us. So,
    the plasma cloud was probably heading directly for our ionosphere.
    Unlike the aforementioned X7.1/2b (which thus moved to the third
    largest), it is very likely that the CME of October 3 will hit
    Earth. We therefore expect a disrupted end of the week.

    "This weekend we can expect low MUF and high LUF on shortwave and
    QSOs over aurora on VHF. Early next week will see a gradual return
    to average and then above average radio wave propagation conditions
    in the ionosphere."

    From "The New Zealand Herald," Aurora in Auckland:


    Radio Blackout hits U.S.:



    Here is the latest update from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[5]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[6] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[7]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[8] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[9] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[10] .

    Also, check this article:

    https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt [11]

    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[12] .

    Sunspot numbers for September 26 through October 2 2024 were 189,
    122, 148, 154, 150, 196, and 194, with a mean of 164.7. 10.7 cm flux
    was 181.1, 186, 194.5, 197.2, 214.2, 244.6, and 274.4, with a mean
    of 213.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 13, 7, 7, 16, 11, 6,
    and 7, with a mean of 9.6. Middle latitude A Index was 11, 5, 5, 17,
    5, 9, and 6, with a mean of 8.3.


    [1] https://bit.ly/3NcNOde
    [2] https://bit.ly/3zNlkno
    [3] https://www.space.com/sun-monster-solar-flare-x7-video
    [4] https://youtu.be/QDf6eyTCbe4
    [5] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [6] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [7] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [8] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [9] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [10] http://k9la.us/
    [11] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [12] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Monday, October 14, 2024 22:48:19

    Thanks to Carl, K9LA for contributing to this week's bulletin.


    "A halo CME first observed on 09-Oct arrived at Earth at 10/1515UT, resulting in G4 geomagnetic conditions on 10-Oct. G4 geomagnetic conditions are expected on 11-Oct, with a chance of G5. G2 geomagnetic conditions are expected on 12-Oct, with a chance of G3 due to ongoing CME effects.



    11 Oct: G4, chance of G5

    12 Oct: G2, chance of G3

    13 Oct: G0-G1"

    Only four new sunspot groups emerged this week. The first was on October 4, another on October 6 and two more on October 7.

    Average daily sunspot number moved from 160 (Sep 26-Oct 2 period) to 182 (Oct 3-9 period), and average daily solar flux from 199 to 270.

    Predicted solar flux is 215 on October 11-13, 210 on October 14-15, 200 and 205 on October 16-17, and 170 on October 18-21, then 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, 215, 230, 240, 250 and 255 on October 22-31, then 230 and 215 on November 1-2, then 205 on November 3-4, 200 and 185 on November 5-6, 175 on November 7-12, and 170 on November 13-17.

    Predicted planetary A index reveals a huge disturbance at 122, 42, 12 and 12 on October 11-14, 5 on October 15-21, then 15, 10, 5, 5, 12 and 8 on October 22-27, 5 on October 28 til November 2, 12 and 8 on November 3-4, 5 on November 5-7, 8 on November 8, and 5 on November 9-17.

    "Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's Ionosphere for October 10, 2024 from OK1HH.

    "During the first ten days of October, the number of sunspot groups dropped from eleven to five, but the eruptive activity of the two largest sunspot groups did not decrease. Not only are moderate flares (M-classes, of which 34 were observed) frequent, but large events (X-classes) are also relatively common (five effects were observed, including one proton flare on 9 October). Several CMEs (coronal mass ejections) were also observed.

    "After the two most active regions in particular moved to the western half of the solar disk, geomagnetic activity has increased significantly since 6 October. The most significant impacts on the state of the ionosphere were on 8 October. This will be followed by a very slow return to normal, lasting several days. A calm development can be expected after mid-October."

    Reader Allison King sent this: https://nyti.ms/3YiNZtP[1]

    David Moore sent this. A new era of solar observation: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/10/241003145438.htm[2]

    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[3]. ÿWhen reporting observations, don't forget to tell us which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[4] ÿand the ARRL Technical Information Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[5] ÿ

    For an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[6] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at

    http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[7] ÿ.

    More good information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[8]

    Also, check this. "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST. https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt[9]

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[10] .

    Sunspot numbers for October 3 through 9 2024 were 194, 229, 180, 173, 167, 164, and 165, with a mean of 182. 10.7 cm flux was 245, 312, 291, 277, 265, 277 and 225, with a mean of 270. Estimated planetary A indices were 8, 8, 7, 16, 55, 58, and 19, with a mean of 24.4. Middle latitude A Index was 8, 6, 8, 13, 33, 29, and 15, with a mean of 16.

    [1] https://nyti.ms/3YiNZtP
    [2] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/10/241003145438.htm
    [3] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [4] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [5] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [6] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [7] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [8] http://k9la.us/
    [9] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [10] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, October 18, 2024 19:07:58

    Average daily sunspot numbers changed from 160 to 129.3 and average
    daily solar flux from 261.3 to 194.3. Geomagnetic numbers were
    higher, with planetary A index rising from 21.4 to 39.3.

    Seven new sunspot groups emerged this week, with two on October 10,
    two on October 13, two more October 14 and one more on October 15.

    Predicted solar flux is 170, 160, and 165 on October 18-20, 170 on
    October 21-22, 165 on October 23-24, 220 on October 25-26, then 225,
    245, 235, 260, 245 and 235 on October 27 through November 1, and 230
    on November 2-3, then 225 and 220 on November 4-5, 215 on November
    6-8, 210 on November 9, 200 on November 10-12, and 205 on November
    13-14 and 210 on November 15-17.

    Predicted planetary A index is 15, 18, 12 and 5 on October 18-21,
    then 15, 12 and 5 on October 22-24, then 5, 1, 2 and 8 on October
    25-27, then 5 on October 28 to November 8, then 10 on November 9-10,
    then 5 on November 11-12, 8 on November 13 and 5 on November 14-17.

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - October 17, 2024 from OK1HH:

    "A week ago, we witnessed a strong geomagnetic disturbance. It
    peaked on 10 October and its effects in the ionosphere were
    particularly evident on 11 October. The recovery from the
    disturbance continued until 14 October, but was interrupted by a
    further rise in geomagnetic activity on 15-16 October.

    "Ionospheric shortwave propagation conditions were generally poor
    throughout the period. They did not even improve to average levels.
    This development was due to the coincidence with a decrease in total
    solar activity."

    The latest report from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    An article on the peak of Solar Cycle 25:

    https://www.inceptivemind.com/blurb/sun-reaches-maximum-phase-11-year-solar-cyc le/[2]

    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[3]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[4] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[5]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[6] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[7] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[8] .

    Also, check this article:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[10] .

    Sunspot numbers for October 10 through 16 2024 were 150, 130, 95,
    108, 146, 141, and 135, with a mean of 129.3. 10.7 cm flux was
    216.3, 213.9, 213.6, 194.9, 181.9, 172, and 167.7, with a mean of
    194.3. Estimated planetary A indices were 96, 116, 20, 5, 8, 15, and
    15, with a mean of 30.3. Middle latitude A Index was 50, 68, 16, 3,
    6, 9, and 11, with a mean of 23.3.


    [1] https://youtu.be/warCdMmyE98
    [2] https://www.inceptivemind.com/blurb/sun-reaches-maximum-phase-11-year-solar-cycle/
    [3] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [4] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [5] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [6] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [7] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [8] http://k9la.us/
    [9] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [10] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, October 25, 2024 16:22:49

    Key solar indicators were lower this week, with average daily solar
    flux down from 194.3 to 170.5 and average daily sunspot numbers
    declining from 129.3 to 127.7.

    On October 22, Spaceweather.com[1] reported:

    "THE SUN IS TAKING A QUICK BREAK: Solar Max is hard work. Just ask
    the Sun. After flaring almost without pause for the past 10 months,
    the Sun is taking a quick break. Solar activity has been low for the
    past 48 hours with no flares stronger than category C. The quiet
    won't last. Solar Max is expected to continue for at least another
    year; flaring should resume shortly."

    Predicted solar flux is 200 on October 25-26, then 205 and 215 on
    October 27-28, then 220 on October 29-31, then 180, 185, 180 and 175
    on November 1-4, 180 on November 5-6, 185 on November 7-8, 180 on
    November 9, 175 on November 10-12, then 180 and 175 on November
    13-14, 170 on November 15-16, 165 on November 17-18, and 160 and 165 on November 19-20.

    Predicted planetary A index is 15, 18 and 7 on October 25-27, then 8
    on October 28-29, 5 0n October 30 through November 10, then 12, 12,
    8, 5, 12, 10, 5, 15 and 10 on November 11-19, and 5 on November
    20-21, 12 on November 22 and 5 on November 23-30.

    "Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - October 24, 2024 from F.K. Janda, OK1HH:

    "NASA and NOAA announced in a joint statement on October 15, 2024
    that a solar maximum is underway. This phase of the cycle may take 2
    to 3 years to develop. For shortwave propagation, this implies that
    the regular openings of the shortest bands will continue at least
    through 2025, possibly longer.

    "The author of these lines considers it likely that the current
    11-year cycle will have two peaks, the first of which is taking
    place now. In that case, we could expect the second peak in 2025.

    "Coronagraphs aboard artificial Earth satellites provide invaluable
    data for predicting solar activity. The Solar and Heliospheric
    Observatory (SOHO) has been in operation for an unexpectedly long
    time - it was launched in December 1995! Fortunately, the Sun is
    still being similarly observed by GOES-19, although it is still
    undergoing testing with instrument checks, including the
    coronagraph, which we expect to be in regular use from Spring 2025.

    "In the last two weeks or so, we have been able to observe the size
    of AR3842 and AR3844 on the Sun's far side.

    "AR3844, meanwhile, emerged on the southeastern limb of the solar
    disk, was renamed AR3869, and immediately made itself known with a
    powerful solar flare of class X3.3. It happened on October 24, with
    the peak of the event at 0357 UT. The extreme ultraviolet radiation
    from the flare ionized the upper part of the Earth's atmosphere. The
    Dellinger effect knocked out shortwaves to 30 MHz for nearly an hour
    in the Australia and Southeast Asia region. The current CME has left
    the Sun, but is unlikely to hit Earth (if it does, it could happen
    on October 26).

    "After the eruption, due to the increase in ionization of the
    ionospheric F2 region between 0910 - 1050 UT, the 50 MHz magic band
    between central and southern Europe and Japan (especially the
    southern half of its large islands) was opened. However, the vast
    majority of contacts were established at 50313 kHz (WSJT-X, FT8)."

    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[2]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[3] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[4]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[5] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[6] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[7] .

    Also, check this article:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[9] .

    Sunspot numbers for October 17 through 23 2024 were 146, 132, 101,
    113, 168, 130, and 104, with a mean of 127.7. 10.7 cm flux was
    167.7, 173.5, 165.2, 161.7, 163.9, 176.1, and 185.7, with a mean of
    170.5. Estimated planetary A indices were 9, 14, 23, 7, 5, 8, and 9,
    with a mean of 10.7. Middle latitude A Index was 7, 10, 15, 6, 3, 7,
    and 7, with a mean of 7.9.


    [1] http://Spaceweather.com
    [2] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [3] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [4] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [5] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [6] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [7] http://k9la.us/
    [8] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [9] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, November 01, 2024 18:34:49

    Solar activity increased this week. Average daily sunspot number
    went from 127.7 to 197.4 and average solar flux from 170.5 to 240.2.

    Predicted solar flux is 270 on November 1-2, 265 and 260 on November
    3-4, 250 on November 5-7, 214, 195 and 182 on November 8-10, 172,
    168, 174 and 165 on November 11-14, and 162 on November 15-16.

    Predicted planetary A index is 5, 8, 15, and 10 on November 1-4, 5
    on November 5-15, then 5, 8, 5, 12, and 8 on November 16-20, and 5
    on November 21 through December 5

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - October 31, 2024 from OK1HH:

    "We know only approximately what the Earth's ionosphere looked like
    between March 1755 and June 1766 thanks to observations of the Sun
    in Solar Cycle 1. But we do know what it looked like in Solar Cycle
    19, which ran from April 1954 to October 1964. Although I was a
    novice radio amateur at the time, I can testify that the shortwave
    propagation conditions at the peak of Solar Cycle 19 (1958) were

    "As of December 2019, Solar Cycle 25 is in operation. It was
    supposed to be low, fortunately it is not. Its maximum is now
    underway, perhaps a second will follow next year. It is fabulous,
    judging by the above and the many interesting effects, including,
    for example, auroras. But unfortunately, not if we judge them by the
    current conditions of ionospheric shortwave propagation. An
    explanation of why this is now the case will surely be forthcoming -
    but perhaps Solar Cycle 26 will be underway.

    "A week ago, as expected, large active regions and corresponding
    groups of spots appeared at the southeastern limb of the solar disk.
    We are now seeing them near the central meridian. This has increased
    the likelihood of Earth being hit by particles that will eject
    subsequent flares. It seems that not only these, but also
    disturbances in the geomagnetic field and then fluctuations in the
    ionospheric propagation field can be counted on with certainty in
    the coming days. Given that we have already seen simultaneously
    observed active regions on the Sun during the last solar rotation,
    presumably a 27-day recurrence will be a good aid to prediction."

    How NASA tracks the Solar Cycles:


    The latest from the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[3]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[4] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[5]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[6] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation [7]. More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[8] .

    Also, check this article:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[10] .

    Sunspot numbers for October 24 through 30 2024 were 138, 157, 181,
    198, 288, 220, and 200, with a mean of 197.4. 10.7 cm flux was
    196.6, 209.3, 238.4, 246.2, 255.5, 265.6, and 269.8, with a mean of
    240.2. Estimated planetary A indices were 13, 3, 14, 10, 17, 12, and
    15, with a mean of 12. Middle latitude A Index was 10, 2, 11, 8, 11,
    10, and 10, with a mean of 8.9.


    [1] https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x98c2di
    [2] https://www.stce.be/newsletter/newsletter.php
    [3] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [4] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [5] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [6] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [7] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [8] http://k9la.us/
    [9] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [10] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, November 15, 2024 16:52:03

    Only five new sunspot groups emerged this week. First was on
    November 7, next on November 9, two more on November 11, and another
    on November 13.

    Average daily sunspot number declined from 193.4 to 141.6, while
    average daily solar flux went from 248.4 to 203.7.

    Predicted solar flux is 145 on November 15-16, 155 on November
    17-18, then 145 on November 19, 140 November 20-21, then 235, 240,
    255 and 260 on November 22-25, 270 on November 26-27, then 255 and
    250 on November 28-29, 240 on November 30 and December 1, 230 on
    December 2-3, and 225 and 220 on December 4-5, then 225 on December 6-7, and 175, 170, and 175 on December 8-10, then 165 on December 11-14, 178 and 185 on December 15-16, 200 on December 17-18, then 235, 240, 255 and 260 on December 19-22.

    Estimated planetary A index is 12, 10, 8, 12 and 8 on November
    15-19, 5 on November 20-24, 10 on November 25-26, then 8, 5, 5 and
    10 on November 27-30, then 12, 9, 8, 7 and 5 on December 1-5, 12 on
    December 6-8, then 8, 12 and 10 on December 9-11, 8 on December
    12-13, then 5, 8, 5 and 12 on December 14-17.

    From HMI Science Nuggets, a possible explanation for solar cycle
    double peaks:


    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - November 14, 2024, from F.K. Janda, OK1HH:

    "Of the three active regions in the past few days, two have fallen
    behind the western limb of the solar disk. Therefore, the solar flux
    has dropped significantly. The third sunspot group was AR3889, which
    crossed the central meridian midweek. Its size of over 400
    millionths of the solar disk area, and in particular the optical 'F'
    and magnetic 'Beta-Gamma-Delta' configurations, indicate that the
    production of moderate size flares will continue. So, because it is
    in the west, like most coronal holes, the solar wind should
    intensify, and the Earth's magnetic field activity should increase.

    "This development, in fact, has already begun on November 14. First,
    conditions worsened after the polarity of the longitudinal component
    of the interplanetary magnetic field changed to negative between
    0200-0500 UTC, while the density of protons in the solar wind
    increased. This was correctly followed by an increase in its
    velocity from 350 km/s to 440 km/s. Due to the anticipated increase
    in the solar wind, a further several days of turbulence is expected,
    followed by calming down only during the following week."

    The latest report from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[3]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[4] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[5]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[6] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[7] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[8] .

    Also, check this article:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[10] .

    Sunspot numbers for November 7 through 13, 2024 were 164, 167, 176,
    121, 138, 116, and 109, with a mean of 141.6. 10.7 cm flux was
    239.2, 231, 220.9, 230.6, 182.2, 171.7, and 150.3, with a mean of
    203.7. Estimated planetary A indices were 9, 11, 32, 25, 10, 5, and
    7, with a mean of 14.1. Middle latitude A Index was 7, 7, 24, 15, 7,
    4, and 5, with a mean of 9.9.

    [1] http://hmi.stanford.edu/hminuggets/?p=2685
    [2] https://youtu.be/lGpDztCtTwY
    [3] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [4] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [5] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [6] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [7] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [8] http://k9la.us/
    [9] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [10] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, November 22, 2024 15:05:12

    Solar activity was lower this reporting week, November 14-20, with
    the average daily sunspot number down from 141.6 to 99.3, and solar
    flux from 203.7 to 152.4. Geomagnetic indicators were quiet.

    This follows a period during August and October when it seemed we
    must be at the peak of Solar Cycle 25. But we won't know that until
    nearly a year after solar max, when a long moving average of daily
    sunspot numbers is examined.

    Predicted solar flux is 170 on November 22, 175 on November 23-24,
    180 on November 25-26, 175 and 180 on November 27-28, 250 on
    November 29-30, then 240, 230, 220, and 210 on December 1-4, 205 on
    December 5-6, then 200, 180, 170 and 150 on December 7-10, 145 on
    December 11-12, then 149, 145, and 230 on December 13-15, 235 on
    December 16-17, 240 on December 18-20, 245 on December 21-22, then
    240, 245 and 255 on December 23-25.

    Predicted planetary A index is 8 on November 22-25, 5 on November
    26-29, then 10, 12, 9, 8, 7 and 5 on November 30 through December 5,
    12 on December 6-7, then 10, 5, 5, 10, 15 and 10 on November 8-13,
    then 8 on December 14-15, then 5 and 12 on December 16-17, and 5 on
    December 18-21.

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - November 21, 2024, from F. K. Janda, OK1HH:

    "During November, solar activity was relatively lowest in the middle
    of the month, which happened after the large sunspot groups in the
    west of the disk had set and before the larger groups in the east
    came out. The largest of these is designated AR3901 and will pass
    through the central meridian on November 23. Solar activity will
    therefore still increase slightly. A more significant rise could
    perhaps be expected after the rise of the other groups, but their
    current activity on the far side of the Sun does not appear to be
    great for now.

    "The low number and small area of coronal holes are the likely cause
    of the geomagnetically quieter development, which is likely to

    "November belongs to the Autumn DX season, Therefore we can expect
    continued above-average shortwave propagation. They were admittedly
    a little worse as a result of the drop in solar radiation, but the
    rest of the month could, yet, correct this. Which is true for the
    northern hemisphere of the Earth, where the season of favorable
    propagation conditions on the longer shortwave bands is already

    Images from the European Space Agency:


    From "Space Daily," solar orbiter images:



    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[4]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[5] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[6] . For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[7] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[8] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[9] .

    Also, check this:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[11] .

    Sunspot numbers for November 14 through 20, 2024 were 96, 71, 71,
    117, 118, 109, and 113, with a mean of 99.3. 10.7 cm flux was 146.8,
    148.9, 139.9, 146.3, 165, 157.2, and 162.6, with a mean of 152.4.
    Estimated planetary A indices were 11, 13, 8, 8, 4, 9, and 9, with a
    mean of 8.9. Middle latitude A Index was 10, 10, 8, 6, 3, 6, and 8,
    with a mean of 7.3.


    [1] https://tinyurl.com/42r665y9
    [2] https://tinyurl.com/bdz33ake
    [3] https://tinyurl.com/yvkf66u2
    [4] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [5] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [6] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [7] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [8] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [9] http://k9la.us/
    [10] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [11] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Monday, December 02, 2024 16:30:11

    ARRL Headquarters was closed on November 29. So, this regular Friday
    bulletin was moved to the following Monday (12/2).

    Solar activity increased during the current reporting week, November
    21-27. Average daily sunspot number rose to 155.7, and average daily
    solar flux was 282.2.

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's
    Ionosphere - November 28, 2024, by F. K. Janda, OK1HH:

    "After the unexpected solar proton flare of 21 November, which took
    place beyond the Sun's western limb, a rain of higher-energy protons
    hit the Earth's atmosphere. This solar radiation storm had a greater
    impact at higher latitudes in the southern hemisphere, where it
    caused a significant increase in attenuation.

    "Two days later, two new large sunspot groups appeared near the
    southeastern limb of the Sun. These produced moderate eruptions
    daily, which is more or less normal for the 11-year maximum. These
    are AR3905 and AR3906, which have grown rapidly to a size where they
    can be observed with the naked eye. There is a relatively small
    coronal hole near them that could be influencing the solar wind

    "Following the eruption of a plasma filament near AR3901, a G2 class geomagnetic storm is possible on November 28-29, when a CME is
    expected to impact. However, around 1900 UT on November 28, when
    this information is written as usual, nothing is still happening. We
    will see what happens next. It is quite possible that the plasma
    cloud will only hit the Earth a little and it is also not out of the
    question that it will miss the Earth completely. So, any prediction
    at this point has a low probability of coming true."

    New video from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[2]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[3] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[4]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[5] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[6] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[7] .

    Also, check this:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[9] .

    Sunspot numbers for November 21 through 27, 2024 were 148, 170, 156,
    164, 140, 163, and 141, with a mean of 155.7. 10.7 cm flux was
    166.2, 179.1, 199.9, 202.7, 220.4, 222.3, and 225, with a mean of
    202.2. Estimated planetary A indices were 8, 12, 8, 7, 11, 7, and 5,
    with a mean of 8.3. Middle latitude A Index was 5, 10, 7, 7, 9, 6,
    and 3, with a mean of 6.7.

    [1] https://youtu.be/1P4sCwn8TZI
    [2] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [3] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [4] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [5] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [6] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [7] http://k9la.us/
    [8] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [9] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, December 06, 2024 22:38:54

    Solar activity seems to have dropped dramatically from a recent peak.ÿ Are we over the cycle peak and headed down again?ÿ Too early to say.

    Daily average sunspot numbers this week sank to 120.1.

    Predicted solar flux is 175 on December 6 to 8, 170 on December 9 and 10, 175 on December 11 and 12, and 205 on December 13 to 17.

    Predicted planetary A index is 8 on December 6 and 7, 5 on December to 12, 10, 8 and 5 on December 13 to 15, 8 on December 16 to 18, 12 and 8 on December 19 and 20 and 5 on December 21 through January 6, 2025.

    Commentary from OK1HH:

    "After the unexpected solar proton flare of 21 November, which took place beyond the Sun's western limb, a rain of higher-energy protons hit the Earth's atmosphere.ÿ This solar radiation storm had a greater impact at higher latitudes in the southern hemisphere, where it caused a significant increase in attenuation.

    "Two days later, two new large sunspot groups appeared near the southeastern limb of the Sun.ÿ These produced moderate eruptions daily, which is more or less normal for the 11-year maximum.ÿ These are AR3905 and AR3906, which have grown rapidly to a size where they can be observed with the naked eye.ÿ There is a relatively small coronal hole near them that could be influencing the solar wind enhancement.

    "Following the eruption of a plasma filament near AR3901, a G2 class geomagnetic storm is possible on November 28 and 29, when a CME is expected to impact.ÿ However, around 1900 UT on November 28, when this information is written as usual, nothing is still happening. We will see what happens next.
    It is quite possible that the plasma cloud will only hit the Earth a little and it is also not out of the question that it will miss the Earth completely.ÿ So any prediction at this point has a low probability of coming true."

    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[1].ÿ When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[2] and the ARRL Technical Information Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[3] .

    For an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see

    http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[4] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at


    More good information and tutorials are at http://k9la.us/[6].

    Also, check "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST: https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt[7] .

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[8] .

    ÿSunspot numbers for November 28 through December 4, 2024 were 149, 162, 103, 83, 113, 126, and 105, with a mean of 120.1.ÿ 10.7 cm flux was 213.9, 219.8, 204, 186.3, 185.3, 174.2, and 174.7, with a mean of 202.2.ÿ Estimated planetary A indices were 4, 8, 11, 7, 6, 13, and 7, with a mean of 8.3.ÿ Middle latitude A Index was 3, 6, 9, 6, 6, 6, 10, and 5, with a mean of 6.

    [1] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [2] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [3] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [4] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [5] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [6] http://k9la.us/
    [7] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [8] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From Mortar@VERT/EOTLBBS to ARRL de WD1CKS on Friday, December 06, 2024 21:00:21
    Re: The K7RA Solar Update
    By: ARRL de WD1CKS to QST on Fri Dec 06 2024 22:38:54

    ...AR3905 and AR3906, which have grown rapidly to a size where they can be observed with the naked eye.

    But would you really want to?

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, December 13, 2024 23:56:15

    Average daily sunspot number plummeted to 104.4.

    Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth's Ionosphere for December 12, 2024 from OK1HH:

    "The high solar activity in October this year suggests that this may have been the peak of an 11-year cycle.ÿ This is not to say that solar activity will not continue to rise.ÿ On the contrary, it may well be that the first maximum of the cycle took place in October and that we can look forward to a second maximum.ÿ This could take place in 2025 or 2026 at the latest, but it will be followed by a decline.

    "Solar activity in November was lower and December's is even lower. The expected geomagnetic disturbance, predicted for 29 November, did not take place because the CME did not affect the Earth.ÿ However, the almost daily occurrence of moderate solar flares continued and a large flare occurred.ÿ It happened on 8 December at around 0906 UT. However, even after this eruption no major geomagnetic disturbance followed and the changes in ionospheric shortwave propagation were rather random."

    In December, the Sun is quieter, and large sunspot groups do not occur in its photosphere.ÿ The only major active regions we see are to the south of the solar equator, and their area is about half that of those seen in November. However, the active area of AR3917 is slowly getting larger and with it the likelihood of a larger flare is increasing.

    The Earth's ionosphere has been repeatedly affected in recent days by increased concentrations of solar-origin free electrons, which, while causing a slight rise in MUF, have been more pronounced in the ionosphere, causing scattering and hence attenuation, which has had a negative effect on the longer shortwave bands.

    More meteors are arriving at Earth these days.ÿ The swarm is called the Geminids and most meteors should arrive about December 14. Therefore we can observe more frequent occurrences of the sporadic E layer.ÿ In addition to the occurrences of stronger signals on the longer shortwave bands, propagation through ionospheric waveguides is more frequent.ÿ The sporadic layer may not only form one of the walls of the waveguide, but also enable its termination. Which is a good chance, for example, for QRP devotees.

    Predicted solar flux is 165 on December 13 to 15, 160 and 165 December 16 and 17, 160 on December 18 and 19, then 175, 185, and 190 on December 20 to 22, 185 on December 23 and 24, 180 on December 25 and 26, and 180 on December 30 through January 2, 2025.

    Predicted planetary A index is 5 on January 13 and 14, 8 on January 15 and 16, 5 on January 17 to 20, then 8 on January 29.

    Flare blasts South Africa:ÿ https://bit.ly/3Do6nJJ[1]

    STCE Newsletter Online version:


    PDF version:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions and comments to k7ra@rrl.net[4].ÿ When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us which mode you were operating. ÿ

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[5] and the ARRL Technical Information Service web page at http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[6] .

    ÿFor an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[7] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at

    http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[8] .

    More information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[9]

    Check "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST at https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt[10] .

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[11] .

    Sunspot numbers for December 5 through 11 2024 were 101, 103, 91, 103, 94, 125, 114, with a mean of 104.4.ÿ 10.7 cm flux was 174.6, 177.5, 182.5, 177.7 172.5, 171.9, and 160.5 with a mean of 170.9. Estimated planetary A indices were 4, 8, 11, 7, 6, 13, and 7, with a mean of 8.ÿ Middle latitude A Index was 3, 6, 9, 6, 6, 6, 10, and 5, with a mean of 7.3.ÿ ÿ

    [1] https://bit.ly/3Do6nJJ
    [2] http://www.stce.be/newsletter/newsletter.php
    [3] http://www.stce.be/newsletter/pdf/2024/STCEnews20241212.pdf
    [4] mailto:k7ra@rrl.net
    [5] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [6] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [7] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [8] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [9] http://k9la.us/
    [10] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [11] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS
  • From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Friday, December 20, 2024 21:10:13

    Excellent HF conditions greeted hams in the ARRL 10-Meter contest
    last weekend. Recent indicators show a sudden shift to two digit
    daily sunspot numbers from three, and although there is nothing
    significant about 100, it makes one notice.

    All daily sunspot numbers this week were 97 or less.

    Perhaps this indicates a move off of solar maximum, or to a future
    with a second maximum.

    Solar activity was way, way down this week with an average daily
    sunspot number at just 88.

    Predicted solar flux is 175, 180, 180, 185 and 180 on December
    20-24, 175 on December 25-26, 180 on December 27, 185 on December
    28-29, 180 on December 30 through January 2, 2025, and 175 on
    January 3-4, 170 on January 5-6, 160 on January 7-8, then 165, 179,
    165, and 170 on January 9-12, 165 on January 13-14, 170 on January
    15-16, 175 on January 17-18, 180 on January 19-23, and 185 on
    January 24-25.

    The forecast for Planetary A index shows a quiet 5 on December
    20-22, 8 on December 23-24, and 5 on December 25 through January 4,
    2025, then 15 and 8 on January 5-6, 5 on January 7-9, then 12, 10
    and 8 on January 10-12, and 5 on January 13-31.

    OK1HH does not seem to have a commentary this week.

    The latest report from Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW:


    Send your tips, reports, observations, questions, and comments to k7ra@arrl.net[2]. When reporting observations, don't forget to tell us
    which mode you were operating.

    For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see http://www.arrl.org/propagation[3] and the ARRL Technical Information
    Service web page at, http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals[4]. For
    an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere[5] .

    An archive of past propagation bulletins is at http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation[6] . More good
    information and tutorials on propagation are at http://k9la.us/[7] .

    Also, check this article:


    "Understanding Solar Indices" from September 2002 QST.

    Instructions for starting or ending email subscriptions to ARRL
    bulletins are at http://arrl.org/bulletins[9] .

    Sunspot numbers for December 12 through 18 2024 were 91, 82, 86, 97,
    90, 88, and 82 with a mean of 88. 10.7 cm flux was 172, 163.7,
    170.5, 172, 166.7, 170, and 173.5 with a mean of 169.8. Estimated
    planetary A indices were 6, 4, 10, 12, 14, 29, and 15, with a mean
    of 12.9. Middle latitude A Index was 4, 2, 8, 9, 11, 20, and 12,
    with a mean of 9.4.


    [1] https://youtu.be/wClI7PKn3K0
    [2] mailto:k7ra@arrl.net
    [3] http://www.arrl.org/propagation
    [4] http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals
    [5] http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere
    [6] http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation
    [7] http://k9la.us/
    [8] https://bit.ly/3Rc8Njt
    [9] http://arrl.org/bulletins

    þ Synchronet þ Whiskey Lover's Amateur Radio BBS